Binary Trees
Binary Trees
Binary tree is data structure in which each node contains maximum of two children
Binary search tree same as
binary tree
but sorted.
Check whether given TREE is BST
In [2]: # Node definition
...: class Node:
...: def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
...: self.value = value
...: self.left = left
...: self.right = right
...: def __str__(self):
...: return str(self.value)
In [3]: #define function to check given tree is binary search tree
...: #BST is a tree whose left.node.value<node.value and node.value<right.node.value
...: def is_bst(node, rnp_value = None, lnp_value = None):
...: # if node.value < right.node.parent.value
...: if rnp_value and node.value < rnp_value:
...: return False
...: # if node.value > left.node.parent.value
...: if lnp_value and node.value > lnp_value:
...: return False
...: is_left_bst = True
...: is_right_bst = True
...: if node.left:# check if left tree is BST
...: is_left_bst = is_bst(node.left, lnp_value = node.value)
...: if node.right:# check if right tree is BST
...: is_right_bst = is_bst(node.right, rnp_value = node.value)
...: return is_left_bst and is_right_bst
In [4]: root_node =Node(1,Node(3), Node(2))
In [5]: is_bst(root_node)
Out[5]: False
In [6]: root_node =Node(2,Node(1), Node(3))
In [7]: is_bst(root_node)
Out[7]: True
In [10]: root_node =Node(3,Node(1,Node(0), Node(2)), Node(4, Node(5), Node(6)))
In [11]: is_bst(root_node)
Out[11]: False
In [12]: root_node =Node(3,Node(1,Node(0), Node(2)), Node(5, Node(4), Node(6)))
In [13]: is_bst(root_node)
Out[13]: True
elucidation /əˌlo͞osəˈdāSH(ə)n/
create node definition using
class -
create a function called
which takes (node, left_node_parent_value, right_node_parent_value)
is_bst(node, left_node_value, right_node_value):
IF left_node_value < it_parent && right_node_value > its_parent
left_bst = is_bst(node.left, left_node_value)
right_bst = is_bst(node.right, right_node_value)
return left_bst & right_bst
Lowest Common Ancestor
In [11]: class Node:
...: def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
...: self.value = value
...: self.left = left
...: self.right = right
...: def __repr__(self):
...: return str(self.value)
...: def __eq__(self, other):
...: if type(other) is type(self):
...: return other.value == self.value
...: return False
...: def __hash__(self):
...: return self.value
In [12]: def path_to_x(root, x):
...: if not root: # root is None return None( no path to x)
...: return None
...: if root.value == x: # prepare path from this element back to root
...: return [root]
...: left_path = path_to_x(root.left, x)
...: if left_path:
...: left_path.append(root)# recruisvely accumulate path till root
...: return left_path
...: right_path = path_to_x(root.right, x)
...: if right_path:
...: right_path.append(root)# recursevly accumulate path till root
...: return right_path
...: # if these is no valid path return empty path
...: return []
In [16]: def lca(root, j, k):
...: path_to_j = path_to_x(root, j)
...: path_to_k = path_to_x(root, k)
...: lca = None
...: while path_to_j and path_to_k:
...: j = path_to_j.pop()
...: k = path_to_k.pop()
...: if j == k:
...: lca =j # or k
...: else:
...: break
...: return lca
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