
Showing posts from December, 2018

Binary Trees

Binary Trees Binary Trees Binary tree is data structure in which each node contains maximum of two children Binary search tree same as binary tree but sorted. Check whether given TREE is BST is_bst.python In [ 2 ]: # Node definition ...: class Node : ...: def __init__ ( self , value, left= None , right= None ): ...: self .value = value ...: self .left = left ...: self .right = right ...: def __str__ ( self ): ...: return str ( self .value) ...: In [ 3 ]: #define function to check given tree is binary search tree ...: #BST is a tree whose left.node.value<node.value and node.value<right.node.value ...: def is_bst (node, rnp_value = None , lnp_value = None ): ...: # if node.value < right.node.parent.value ...: if rnp_value and node.value < rnp_value: ...: return False ...: # if node.value > left.node.parent.value ...: ...

Spring boot SOAP Web Service Performance

Consumng This tutorial walks you through the process of consuming a SOAP-based web service with Spring. It elucidates following items Making parallel calls with RxJava (or WebFlux ) Sending large SOAP message payloads using AXIOM( AXis Object Model) AxiomSoapMessageFactory .(which improves performance) Marshalling( is the process of transforming the memory representation of an object to a data format suitable for storage or transmission) Marshalling (XML Serialization) done with O/X Mappers, different types of mappers out there and choose appropriate one for your need. Castor XML mapping is an open source XML binding framework. It allows you to transform the data contained in a java object model into/from an XML document. By default, it does not require any further configuration, though a mapping file can be used to have more control over the behavior of Castor. The Spring integration classes reside in the org.springframework.oxm.castor pa...