PCF Exam Dumps

PCF Architecture & Components

PCF Architecture & Components

  • Q. Which component in the Diego Brain Maintains DesiredLRP?

    1. Rep Cell

    2. Nsync

    3. Auctioneer

    4. BBS

  • Q. _ Streams STDOUT and STDERR to the Metron agent running on the Cell?

    1. Executor

    2. Doppler

    3. Firehose

    4. Nozzle

  • Q. Metron Agent will forward _ to the Doppler component

    1. Logs

    2. Errors

    3. Application & Diego Metrics

    4. All above

  • Q. Which Component respond to cf apps command?

    1. CloudController

    2. TrafficController

    3. GoRouter

    4. TPS Watcher

  • Q. Who will Monitors ActualLRP activity for crashes and reports them the Cloud Controller

    1. Rep Cell

    2. TrafficController

    3. GoRouter

    4. TPS Watcher

  • Q. _ Sends a response to the Cloud Controller when a Task completes

    1. Stager

    2. TrafficController

    3. GoRouter

    4. Loggregator

  • Q. Monitors DesiredLRP and ActualLRP states, emitting route registration and unregistration messages to the Cloud Foundry Gorouter when it detects changes

    1. Route-Emitter

    2. TrafficController

    3. GoRouter

    4. Loggregator

  • Q. Which Component respond to cf logs command?

    1. CloudController

    2. TrafficController

    3. GoRouter

    4. Loggregator

  • Q. Which component responsible for monitoring, failure recovery, and software updates with zero-to-minimal downtime.

    1. Loggregator

    2. Diego

    3. BOSH

    4. CloudController

  • Q. Which component responsible for deployment, and lifecycle management of small and large-scale cloud software.

    1. BOSH

    2. Loggregator

    3. Diego

    4. CloudController

  • Q. Which of the following Iaas provides that BOSH Supports

    1. VMWare vSphere

    2. Google Cloud Platform

    3. Amazon Web Services EC2

    4. OpenStack

  • Q. __ Enables users to extend BOSH to support additional IaaS providers such as Apache CloudStack and VirtualBox

    1. BOSH Interface

    2. Cloud Provider Interface

    3. IaaS Interface

    4. Cloud Connector Interface

  • Q. Which component in the Diego Brain Maintains ActualLRP?

    1. Rep Cell

    2. Nsync

    3. Auctioneer

    4. BBS


  • Q. PCF can gathers metrics from the following components (Select all that apply)

    1. Garden

    2. Cell

    3. Container

    4. Network

  • Q. Which of the following statements true

    1. Container metrics: CPU, memory, and disk percentages (updated every 30 seconds)

    2. Network metrics: requests per second, HTTP errors per second, and request latency (updated every second)

    3. App events: create, update, start, stop, and crash (updated as they happen)

Blue-Green Deployment

  • Q.Blue Green deployment is a technique that reduces downtime and risk by doing following practice

    1. It runs One Production and One Staging Application at a time

    2. It runs two productions environments at a time

    3. It Runs Two Production Environment called Blue and One staging Environment called Green

    4. One Active Environment called Blue and other Idle environment called Green

  • Q. It is recommended to use One Relation database for Both Blue& Green Applications

    1. TRUE

    2. FALSE

  • Q. My REST APIs (v1.0-Blue) were deployed at api.tvajjala.in. How do you send traffic to new app deployed as Green(v1.1 API)

    1. cf map-route Green tvajjala.in -n api

    2. cf route-traffic Green tvajjala.in -n api

    3. cf map-route Green -n green.temp

    4. cf route-traffic Green -n green.temp

Application Security Groups

  • Q. Types of ASG

    1. Platform-wide staging ASG set, also called “default-staging”

    2. Platform-wide running ASG set, also called “default-running”

    3. Space-scoped staging ASG set

    4. Space-scoped running ASG set

  • Q. Application Security Groups applied for _ Traffic

    1. Ingress (Inbound)

    2. Egress (Outbound)

    3. Both

    4. None

  • Q. ASG Applied for _

    1. Buildpack based applications

    2. Docker Based Applications.

    3. Tasks

    4. All of the above

  • Q. ASG Can be defines for _

    1. Staging and Running Applications

    2. Platform wide Applications

    3. Space-Scoped Applications

    4. All of the above

  • Q. ASG are executed in the following order

    1. In the same order they defined

    2. In the Ascending order of rule Ids like, 100, 101

    3. Order is not important for ASGs

    4. Only most recent ASG gets executed as high priority

Domains and Routers

  • Q. If your application deployed using TCP Router, which port the application should run in the container

    1. 8080

    2. 443

    3. 80

    4. 22

  • Q. How do you create a HTTP route in the dev space for with domain name tvajjala.io(choose multiple)

    1. cf create-route dev tvajjala.io -n demo-time

    2. cf create-route dev tvajjala.io

    3. cf create-route dev tvajjala.io -n demo-time --path home

    4. cf create-route dev demo-time.tvajjala.io/home

  • Q. How do you create TCP Route in the dev space

    1. cf create-route dev tvajjala.io --port 60010

    2. cf create-route dev tvajjala.io --random-route

    3. all of the above

  • Q. Which of the following statements are true w.r.t domains

    1. There two types of domains available PCF called HTTP domains and TCP domains

    2. HTTP domains indicate to a developer that only requests using the HTTP protocol will be routed to applications mapped to routes created from the domain.

    3. Routing for HTTP domains is layer 7 and offers features like custom hostnames, sticky sessions, and TLS termination.

    4. TCP domains indicate to a developer that requests over any TCP protocol, including HTTP, will be routed to applications mapped to routes created from the domain.

  • Q. Which of the following statements true for TCP Domains

    1. TCP domains indicate to a developer that requests over any TCP protocol, including HTTP.

    2. Routing for TCP domains is layer 4 and protocol agnostic

    3. Features available to HTTP routing are not available for TCP routing.

    4. All of the above

  • Q. Which of the following statement is true for TCP Router Group

    1. TCP domains are defined as being associated with the TCP Router Group.

    2. The TCP Router Group defines the range of ports available to be reserved with TCP Routes.

Currently, only Shared Domains can be TCP.
By default, Cloud Foundry only supports routing of HTTP requests to applications.
  • Q. How do you create domain

    1. cf create-domain MYORG tvajjala.io

    2. cf create-domain tvajjala.io MYORG MYSPACE

    3. `cf create-domain tvajjala.io MYORG `

  • Q. Which of following statements are true for shared-domains

    1. Admin managed shared domains

    2. Developer can also managed shared domains

    3. Shared domains available to users in all ORGs of a Cloud Foundry

    4. Shared domains are HTTP domains by default, but can be configured to be TCP when associated with the TCP Router Group.

  • Q. A developer pushed application to CF without domain name, which of the statements true

    1. Route will be created for it from the first shared domain created in the system

    2. There are not technically a default domains in the system

    3. App will through error if host name is already used by other org

  • Q. Which of the following command used to create shared-domain …​.cf create-shared-domain DOMAIN is HTTP shared domain …​.`cf create-shared-domain DOMAIN [--router-group ROUTER_GROUP]`is TCP shared domain

    1. A & C are correct

  • Q. Which of the following statement are true

    1. Routes are bound to SPACE

    2. Domains are bound to ORG

    3. Shared domains are bound to across PCF deployment

    4. A , B, C are correct

  • Q. Which of the statements TRUE for PRIVATE domains

    1. Private domains can be created by ORG MANAGERS

    2. Private domains can be HTTP or HTTPS only.

    3. TCP Routing is supported for Shared Domains only

    4. Private domains can be shared with other ORGs, enabling users of those ORGs to create routes from the domain.

  • Q. How do you create private domain

    1. cf create-domain MYORG myprivate.domain.com

    2. cf create-private-domain MYORG myprivate.domain.com

  • Q. How do you share/un-share private domains*

    1. $ cf share-private-domain test-org private-domain.example.com

    2. $ cf unshare-private-domain test-org private-domain.example.com

there only two ways you create domain create-domain / create-shared-domain. When you create domain with create-domain this is by default private to your ORG. and you can shared with other ORGS with share-private-domain
  • Q. How do you check the route exists for the domain, before you create

    1. cf check-route demo cfapps.io

    2. cf check-route demo cfapps.io --path home

    3. there is no way to check


  • If your manifest.yml declares route element in it , which of the following arguments not allowed from command-line

    1. -d

    2. --hostname

    3. -n

    4. --no-hostname

    5. --route-path

    6. All of the above arguments not allowed

  • Which of following attributes are NOT deprecated in the manifest.yml

    1. domain

    2. domains

    3. host

    4. hosts

    5. no-hostname

    6. route

Container-to-Container Routing

  • Cloud Foundry container networking is currently supported only on Linux

    1. TRUE

    2. FALSE

  • Traffic to app containers from Go-Router or from app containers to external services uses cell IP addresses and NAT, not the overlay network.

    1. TRUE

    2. FALSE

  • The overlay network IP address range must not conflict with any other IP addresses in the network If a conflict exists, Diego cells cannot reach any endpoint that has a conflicting IP address.

    1. TRUE

  • What is the default overlay network range


  • How many container that each Diego Cell can support

    1. By default, each cell is allocated a /24 CIDR range that supports 254 containers per cell

  • Container-to-Container Networking supports UDP and TCP, and you can configure policies for multiple ports

    1. TRUE

  • What is the difference between Application Security Group(ASG) and Container-to-Container network policies

Table 1. ASG Vs C2C

Policy Granularity

From SPACE to CIDR address range

App to App


Can apply at Space, Org, Deployment level

App to App

Traffic Direction

egress traffic

App to App only

Policy effective time

After App restart


  • What is Upgrade header will do

    1. To form a WebSocket connection, the client sends an HTTP request that contains an Upgrade header and other headers required to complete the WebSocket handshake.

You must configure your load Balancer to not upgrade the HTTP request, but rather to pass the Upgrade header through to the CF router.


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