
Showing posts from August, 2020

Docker Volumes Deep Dive

Different --mount Options This tutorial helps you to understand different mount options, storage drivers, volume drivers(plugins) and troubleshooting issues with Storage Driver(Overlay2). — Thiru Volumes are the preferred mechanism to persist container data. bind mounts are dependant on host machine directory structure but volumes are completely managed by docker. more on volumes…​ Tip You can use --mount or --volume to create volume , --mount is recommended for newer docker(>17.06). Different --mount Options The --mount option allows us to create different kinds of volumes, below is syntax to use --mount option. docker run --mount type=<bind|volume|tmpfs>, source=<NameOfVolume/hostDirectory>, destination=<NameInsideContainer>, readOnly, volume-opt k=v, volume-opt k=v, <docker...