Spring boot Drools Integration

Introduction Introduction Decision tables are a "precise yet compact" way of representing conditional logic, and are well suited to business level rules. Refer Official documentation on drools decision tables and other supported formats. Tip Drools supports managing rules in a spreadsheet format. Supported formats are Excel (XLS), and CSV. Core Components in Drools Java API The KnowledgeBuilder is responsible for taking source files, such as a DRL file or an Excel file, and turning them into a Knowledge Package of rule and process definitions which a Knowledge Base can consume. An object of the class ResourceType indicates the type of resource it is being asked to build. The ResourceFactory provides capabilities to load resources from a number of sources, such as Reader, ClassPath, URL, File, or ByteArray. Caution Binaries, such as decision tables (Excel .xls files), should not use a Reader based resource handler, whic...