Spring boot RxJava Integration
What is RxJava What is RxJava RxJava is a Java implementation of ReactiveX library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. The building blocks of RxJava are Observables and Subscribers . Observable is used for emitting items and Subscriber is used for consuming those items. How it works RxJava works like this. Subscriber subscribes to Observable, then Observable calls Subscriber.onNext() for any number of items, if something goes wrong here is Subsciber.onError() and if all finishes fine, here is Subscriber.onCompleted() . Read more about RxJava at their official documentation Types of Observables and Observers The following are the different types of Observables in RxJava: Single Observable Flowable Maybe Completable For each Observable there is one Observer Following are the different types of Observers in RxJava: Observer SingleObserver MaybeObserver ...