Invoking RESTful WebServices Behind The Proxy
Types of proxy networks Invoke REST api calls behind the proxy using spring RestTemplate and using simple HTTPUrlConnection instance. You will learn how to make Third party RESTful apis calls or invoking your micro services which are deployed in different domain. What are additional properties that you need to set to make this rest calls beyond the proxy. This is useful when your organization network running beyond the proxy but you need to make the calls the external services from your application. Types of proxy networks SOCKS : This is general purpose proxy server that establishes a TCP connection to another server on behalf of the client, then routes all the traffic back and forth between the client and the server. It works any kind of protocol (SSH,WebSocket etc) and any port. SOCKS5 adds additional support for security and UDP. HTTP : Used to handle high level protocols such as HTTP or FTP. HTTP proxy used to handle HTTP traffic. Since our RESTful...