
Showing posts from May, 2014

Hazelcast Persistence with MySQL

What is hazelcast? What is hazelcast? Java collections are used to store data in a different formats. like List, Set and Map etc. but these are restricted to single Thread. :( What if we want to share same collection in different Threads we go for concurrent implementations like ConcurrentHashMap . How do we share the same collection Object across JVMs? the answer is Hazelcast. Tip hazelcast is a in-memory datagrid based on java. data is evenly distributed among the nodes. This allows for horizontal scalability both in terms of available storage space and processing power. Hence it being used as most popular cache framework for java based applications. It is highly available for distributed cache for applications. Why Hazelcast? There are five main reasons why i prefer to go for hazelcast One of the main features of Hazelcast is not having a master node. Each node in the cluster is configured to be the same in terms of functionality. The...