JDK7 Highlights & Hashing Techniques
Seven New Features in Java(JDK 7) Programming Language 1. Binary Literals In Java SE 7, the integral types ( byte , short , int , and long ) can also be expressed using the binary number system. To specify a binary literal, add the prefix 0b or 0B to the number. The following examples show binary literals: int a=010; // will give 10 (upto JDK6) int b= ob 010 ; will give 2. ( in JDK7 it will consider as binary literal) 2. try with resource statement try ( Autoclosable Implementation class ) {} Any object which implements AutoCloseable/ Cloneabl interface can be passed to try(){} block. but this no where related to try catch Exception handling one. this is useful for IO Streams ,JDBC where we need to close the connections after using it. try() will take care of closing operations. class MyCustomClosable implemen...